here's how it works

Choose your camp.

Promote your camp.

Connect with your students.

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A Typical Week at MOVE

Please note: This is a sample schedule. Your event-specific schedule will be available on closer to the start of your event.

- Afternoon check-in on campus
- Dinner
- Adult leader meeting
- Evening session
- Youth group time
DAYS 2-5
- Three meals on campus each day*
- Morning and evening main sessions
- Small group time
- Afternoon electives
- Recreation tournaments
- Youth group time
*with the exception of Skip-A-Meal on day 4
- Travel home*
*Night 5 lodging is included with the exception of the following events: MD, NE, NM, OR1, OR2, and TX.

See What others have to say about CIY move.

Kingdom Worker Crash

Student Stories

A Kingdom Worker is a Christian who uses whatever sphere of influence he or she has to proclaim the message of Jesus by using their gifts, abilities, and relationships to advance His Kingdom. The Kingdom Worker Crash is a chance for students to tell their stories of Kingdom Work on film. These films will premiere during a MOVE event. If you know a student who would be great for the Kingdom Worker Crash, please nominate them below.

Student Stories



How do I register?

MOVE registration is available online. There is a "register" button at the top of the page that will redirect you to in order to register.



Looking for More?

CIY offers so much more than just MOVE. Check out some of our other events, trips, and resources.

Still not quite sure if CIY MOVE is right for your students?